Patients Charter

Aims and objectives

At Wells City Practice we aim to provide our patients with the best quality care available. Our charter is a statement of what you can expect from the practice and what we feel we can expect from you in return.

Your rights as our patient:

  • We are committed to giving you the best possible service we can achieve by working together.
  • You will always be treated with courtesy and respect.
  • You will always be offered the treatment we believe is appropriate for you, by a suitably qualified person.
  • We will provide Information about our services in our practice booklet and through our staff and website.
  • We will make every effort to see you promptly. Medical emergencies will receive immediate attention and there will be a duty doctor available each day for urgent problems.
  • We will offer you an appointment with a doctor within two working days whenever possible. If your own doctor is not available, we will arrange for you to see another doctor. You will be seen by a doctor on the same day if this is appropriate, although we cannot guarantee you will be seen by your own doctor.
  • Emergency cover will be available at all times outside normal surgery opening hours by telephoning 111.
  • Medical advice is available 24 hours a day from NHS Direct on 0845 4647
  • We will tell you when the results of tests and X-rays are likely to be available and how to obtain them.
  • Repeat prescriptions requested Monday to Thursday will normally be available for collection after two working days. Prescriptions ordered on Friday will be available on Tuesday.
  • We will strive to promote good health through advice and preventative medicine.
  • We will respect your rights of confidentiality and access to your medical records, within the law.
  • We will try to deal at once with any problems or complaints which you bring to our attention and welcome your suggestions for improving our service to you.


What you can do for us

  • You are partners in the care you receive and we ask you to accept your own responsibilities in return.
  • Please treat your surgery staff with due courtesy and respect.
  • If you are unclear about your treatment please ask. Try to follow any medical advice given you.
  • If you need a home visit, if possible please telephone before 10.30am.
  • If you wish to speak to your own doctor please telephone before 10.30am to book a telephone consultation after their morning surgery.
  • Only ask for urgent appointments, emergency consultations or home visits when appropriate.
  • Let us know as soon as you can if you cannot keep an appointment.
  • Please telephone between 2.00 and 4.00pm to obtain the results of investigations and X-rays.
  • Whenever possible please request repeat prescriptions using the slip on your prescription form. It may be sent by post enclosing a stamped self-addressed envelope or dropped into the prescriptions post box in the surgery foyer for collection after two working days.
  • Please respond promptly to any letters we may send to you.
  • Be understanding when your own consultation is delayed by someone else's unexpected emergency.
  • Many illnesses can be prevented through healthy living. Ask about the health promotion activities on offer through the surgery.
  • Screening programmes are invaluable in the early detection of certain illness. Please take advantage of them.


Suggestions / Complaints

We try to provide the best possible service to our patients and will always welcome your views or suggestions for further improvements.

If you have a suggestion please write or ask to speak, to our practice manager. Alternatively why not tell the doctor or nurse next time you see them.

We realise that there may be occasions when our service to you falls short of our customary standard. If you have a complaint or concern about the service you have received from the doctors or any of the staff working in Wells City Practice please let us know.

See our Suggestions and Complaints page for further details