Private Service Charges

It is not possible to provide all services under the National Health Service. The following table shows a selection of private fees and the services for which you may have to pay.

Other Non-NHS services may incur charges. Please ask at reception for details.

If you have any concerns about the fee involved, please discuss this with your doctor prior to requesting the service.

Access to Medical Records  

Access to medical records (data protection act)

To view your records here at the surgery

To take a copy of all or any part of your records

Free of charge

Certificates and Forms  
Private sicknote or incapacity certificate
Private prescription
Fitness for sport/travel etc
Holiday Cancellation claim form
£30.00 to £50.00
Elderly driver certificate
Childminder forms


Sickness/accident benefit claim form/certificate
£30.00 to £50.00
Overseas visitors (Private/non- EU countries)
consultation £35.00 home visit £70.00
Medical Examination and Reports  
HGV/other Private medical
£94.00 to £140.00
minimum/reduced fee
Power of Attorney Reports     £75.00  to £150.00